Brow Lamination

It’s taking over the Nation.


It isn’t deniable – Brow Lamination is a very cryptic term that describes something very different from what it actually is!  Firstly, the term lamination, in the context of this service, refers to:

A laminated structure; something being built up in layers.

Huh?  As it relates to brows, this actually makes little sense.  However, the other term this service goes by is a BROW LIFT.  Since plastic surgeons perform these and they involve surgery, this is also a misnomer.   

Truth is, there really is not a perfectly appropriate term for this gorgeous treatment, but as it begins to take hold and be sported on the faces of clients, you will soon come to know and love what Brow Lamination really is.

So, first let’s consider all the directions a natural brow hair grows.  While this varies from person to person, a brow generally starts off heading north in the fronts and then in sections it heads straight east or west, with a one part veering south, another staying straight until, as it tapers off, it all goes south at the tails.  That is quite the growth pattern for one small area of your face!!

Many people have a beautiful brow that is unruly and untameable.  We now enjoy all manner of hair products and styling aids for our heads, but we remain limited on the brow variety.   Yes you can gel up your brows and make them behave…until tonight when you have to wash it all off.  Plus, if you take a look at the ingredients in that gel, Google them, you may well learn that you are supporting animal testing, animal products, the petroleum and chemical industry OR, placing irritating ingredients on your skin every single day.  With brow lamination, all product is cleaned away from your brows immediately post treatment, and stays off for 6 to 8 weeks, until you come back.

What if you didn’t have to worry about all that?  What if you didn’t have to keep applying crazy adhesive gel like substances to your skin to only get your brows to behave for a day?  What if you could achieve that look and do all the crazy stuff you want, while your brows remain looking gorgeously fluffy and pretty?

That is where brow lamination enjoys its crowning beautiful moment.  Brow lamination actually perms your brows into place, offering a lift and making the most of those beauties.  Where you might currently be engaging in a painstaking procedure every morning of shaping and drawing and powdering over top, making your brows thicker and more in keeping with fashion and your best look, you could actually be capitalizing on your OWN BROW HAIR.  Brow lamination uses your own beautiful healthy brow hair, no matter how untamed or even sparse (this can be decided in a consultation)and  lifts those hairs up giving the appearance of a healthy, thick, organically beautiful and natural brow.  Think Chloe Savigny,  Lily Collins, and Emelia Clarke.  Moreover, downturned eyebrows, no matter your age, tend to pull down your eyes.  A lifted looking brow makes your eyes appear brighter, wider, and tricks the eye into giving you a more youthful appearance.

Alone it is a fabulous treatment.  Over a microbladed or powder tattooed brow it takes marvelous to miraculous.  Nothing frames a face better than sensational brows. 

Why wouldn’t you try these totally affordable and very long lasting (6 to 8 weeks) treatments and see what it does to update your current look?

Book an appointment with our expert brow technicians today!